
I had a great opportunity to go to Japan last March to accompany the first batch of JAD HELPIII students. It was certainly a magnificent trip, and i enjoyed every minute of the time spent there. Before going, i didn't really know what to expect. I thought i would die of boredom. Fortunately for me... it was the total opposite! I actually found myself in a wonderful adventure. I actually prayed in the open and to my surprise, i was really khusyuk and focused when i was performing my prayer in the open with no proper telekung. However, when the time finally came for me to bid farewell to my much-loved students, it certainly was a teary occassion. 3 years spent with them, they are more like my brothers and sisters than students. Nevertheless, i'm really proud of them and i believe that all of them will graduate on time :). Soon the time will come for me to watch another batch of students starting their journey in a foreign land. Like always, I pray for their success and i hope that all 86 of them will be able to set the precious little minds in the land of the rising sun.


ummi said…
kak shirin...i dont know u write blog...
reading this post makes me wanna cry...
really miss the times we were together
aReLaN said…
Thanks a lot for all the years we spent together and hope it never ends.AMIN....

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